
到埗後吃了一點東西,在酒店安頓下來已是凌晨一點半,但我仍然堅決到河邊走一趟,打算等到三點鐘欣賞Palace Bridge打開的景象。可惜坐飛機真的太累人,加上這次行程非常緊湊,所以走了一半路程就決定回酒店休息(是差不多半小時的路程啊)。

雖然沒有去Palace Bridge那邊,但只看河邊的景色亦不會令人失望。從酒店到Neva River(涅瓦河)不用數分鐘,抵達河邊後,好此美麗的夜景加上深夜的那份寧靜令我呆住了。正在慢慢融化的冰塊在浮動,河上的鳥在叫,那股冬天的冷空氣在吹動…

我深呼吸了一下,正式開始我的第一個聖彼得堡之旅! 🇷🇺

Neva River at midnight

After late dinner and settling down in the hotel, it’s already 1:30am, but I still went out for a work and planned to wait till 3am to see the rise of the Palace Bridge. However, travelling on plane is exhausting and due to my tight schedule, I’m too tired to complete my 30-minute walk to the Palace Bridge.

The view alongside the river is definitely not a disappointment even I didn’t make my way to the Palace Bridge. It’s just a few minutes’ walk from my hotel to the Neva River, the view there was shockingly amazing. Melting ice was floating, birds were talking, the wind was blowing…

I took a deep breath, and started my first Saint Petersburg journey. 🇷🇺
